--> Verifymatic reviews any non-conformances that have been identified to ensure they are properly documented in accordance with relevant standards or regulations.
--> Process mapping can be used to identify the specific areas of the supplier's operations that are most prone to non-conformances.
--> Pareto analysis can be used to identify the most significant non-conformances that need to be addressed first.
--> Verifymatic conducts a thorough investigation to determine the underlying causes of the non-conformance.
--> The 5-Whys technique can be used to identify the root cause of the problem by asking "why" repeatedly until the underlying cause is identified.
--> Fishbone diagrams can be used to visually represent the various factors that contributed to the non-conformance.
--> Verifymatic works with the supplier to develop a set of corrective actions that are tailored to address the specific root causes of the non-conformance.
--> Kaizen events can be used to rapidly identify and implement corrective actions.
--> Lean Six Sigma tools can be used to identify and prioritize the most effective corrective actions.
--> Verifymatic works with the supplier to ensure that the corrective actions are properly implemented and that they are effective in addressing the root cause of the non-conformance.
--> Project management techniques can be used to ensure that corrective actions are completed on time and within budget.
--> Change management techniques can be used to ensure that employees understand and support the changes that are being implemented.
--> Verifymatic conducts follow-up audits or inspections to verify that the corrective actions have been properly implemented and that they are effective in preventing the non-conformance from happening again.
--> Statistical process control can be used to track key performance indicators and ensure that the corrective actions are effective in improving performance.
--> Quality control methods such as the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle can be used to continuously monitor and improve the effectiveness of corrective actions.
--> Verifymatic documents the results of the Corrective Action Management process to ensure that the corrective actions have been properly implemented and that they are effective in addressing the underlying issues.
--> ISO 9001 documentation standards can be used to ensure that the results are properly documented and that they meet relevant regulatory or industry requirements.
--> Documenting the results of the Corrective Action Management process can help suppliers improve their performance over time and avoid similar non-conformances in the future.
Bestepe Mah. Nergiz Sok. 7/2 No: 87 Yenimahalle Ankara, TURKEY
© Verifymatic